AssetWise Director Help

To Create and Associate a New Serialized Item to a Physical Item

  1. Open the physical item you want in the Content pane.
  2. Expand the Dependent Serialized Items topic.
  3. Click the New link.

    A serialized item form opens in the Content pane. The Item Number, Version, and Description fields obtain their values from the physical item.

  4. Accept the default values or edit the Serial/Batch Number and enter a Batch Quantity value.
  5. Click the Add icon in the action bar.

    The serialized item is created and will be displayed in the Dependent Serialized Items topic once it has been refreshed (<F5>).

Double-click any item in the list to open it for review or editing. You can also click the Delete icon (X) next to an item in the list to remove it from the parent physical item.